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JUNE 14, 2011


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:02pm.
Commission Members present:  Marks, Yochum, Brookes, Yanni, Jr.  
Commission Members absent: Crick Owen, DiNicola, and Barczak
Staff present:  Mangold, Reggiano and Samuelson
Staff absent:  None
Public:  Frank & Joan Viola, 320 Great Ring Road, F.J. Urso, 19 Merlins Lane and Kendra Bobowick from the Newtown Bee.


  • Tabled.

  • Mr. Frank Viola requested a senior boat launch pass since he does not use any of the other facilities and we offer senior swim passes at no cost.  The Department does not at this time offer any senior discount for boat launch passes. Mr. Viola would like the fee waived.  After further discussion Mr. Viola told the Commission that he would only use the ramp at Eichler’s a few times a year since he lives on the lake.  He wants the pass to put his boat in for the season and to take it out at the end of the season and a couple of times he would take the boat out to wash it during the season.  The Commission agreed to look further into this option for next year.  Commissioner Brookes will be contacting New Fairfield Parks and Recreation to see how they handle this issue.
(m/s/c: Brookes/Yochum)  “Motion to authorize the Parks and Recreation staff to issue no more that 5 senior weekday boat launch privileges for the 2011 season.”


  • None.

  • None.

  • The Newtown Day of Caring – United Way -  There were two groups of volunteers that worked at both Treadwell and Dickinson Parks.  Newtown Savings Bank worked with Archie Palioan at Treadwell Park spreading mulch on both the playground and the garden in front of the pool house.  Robert Fritzinger supervised the Boeringer Englheim volunteers constructing a Borne Learning Trail at Dickinson Park.  Everything looks great and the Parks and Recreation crew said it was absolutely worthwhile to have these volunteers for the day.  Parks and Recreation provided water and lunch for all.
  • Director Mangold reported that the waterfront director is working out very well so far.
  • The Security issue at Eichler’s Cove has been taken care of and all is going well with the park wardens.
  • Commissioner Brookes asked if there will be another tour of the facilities soon.  Director Mangold suggested that they visit the property on Alpine Drive in Sandy Hook.  

  • See  report.
  • Thanks to Director Mangold and Parks Operation Supervisor, John Moore for all their work while he was out.
  • Dickinson Park is a much busier place now since some of the renovations have been completed. But reports that the playground is in need of replacing.  The renovated softball field at Dickinson will open tomorrow pending any rain.
  • Treadwell has been busy also.  The redundant pump for the pool has already been used.
  • Babe Ruth is happy with the Glander field renovation.
  • The house at Eichler’s Cove is down and is now the site for the newly constructed canoe rack that was built by John Moore.
  • The offices at the Maintenance Garage have been painted and are awaiting lead abatement for the doors this week.
  • Assistant Director Samuelson reported only minor vandalism so far at the parks.
  • The stair at the skate park will be repaired.  The company came out and showed Parks and Recreation how to fix the step.

  • The Rooster Run went well.  There were 341 runners. Mark Gerace who plans the event says at other town races they have over 700 runners.  He suggests that the race begin at 8:00 am. He would also like to request that the sport teams in town not start their games until 11:00 am.  Giving those residents a chance to attend the race.  Assistant Director Samuelson asked Assistant Director Reggiano to put together an email for the sports teams not instead of waiting until the spring when they already have schedules set.


  • FJ Urso from American Legion Baseball Post 202 is requesting a Field Use Exemption for 2011.  He is requesting field time for his junior league.  This team is made up of Newtown, Bethel and Redding players.  Mr. Urso is looking to use the high school baseball field.  Mr. Urso stated that he donated the press box and helped build the bleachers at the high school.  He is looking for 7 dates and will be paying $460.00 in surcharge money.  It has been brought to the attention of the department that Mr. Urso’s team has for the last few years played on the high school field under the time allotted for Newtown Babe Ruth Baseball.  There has been no field time scheduled through this department.  It was found in the bookkeeping records that in 2007 Mr. Urso paid a surcharge to Parks and Recreation, no surcharge has been paid to Parks and Recreation since then.  Mr. Urso claims to have paid this money.  He will check his records.  Each player pays $500.00 to play on this team.
  • The American Legion team also does not meet the 80% resident requirements.    The Department was given a pre-roster that did show 80% residency.  The pre-roster was reported by Babe Ruth to be fraudulent and then was determined to be inaccurate by a large percentage.  Some Newtown players were double-rostered on the senior and junior teams as permitted by American Legion.  Director Mangold then received a second roster for the junior team that shows almost 50% Newtown residents.  Mr. Urso said the second roster is the final one that has been submitted to the American Legion organization.  Mr. Urso is requesting time for only the Junior League.  The seniors will be playing on Bethel fields.   There are three possible players that will play on both the senior and junior team.  Mr. Urso said they would not be replaced by any players, residents or non-resident.  The request is for weekend use for two games from 12:30 pm to dusk. He is also requesting Tuesday night usage. Assistant Director Samuelson told Mr. Urso that a couple of the dates requested would have conflicted with already scheduled use by Babe Ruth Baseball.  Mr. Urso said the conflicts could have been worked out.
  • The department established rules regarding organizations seeking access to Newtown Fields.  It is not the position of the Parks and Recreation Department to give out field time to an organization that does not meet the requirements established in the Field Allocation Guidelines.
Chairman Marks listed the following as concerns to the Commission:
  • The first roster was not accurate.
  • Only one year of surcharge was paid out of the last five years.
  • Babe Ruth‘s objection to American Legion was not based on limited access to fields but frustrated over losing players to another organization.
  • Not meeting resident requirements setting a precedent with roster changes.
  • We do not rent out our fields.
  • The current coaches of this team are Ron Schmitt, Josh Hull and FJ Urso.  All three are Newtown residents.
(m/s/c:  Yochum/Brookes)  “Motion to give FJ Urso/ American Legion Baseball a one year field use exemption for 2011 for 7 games.  The surcharge is to be paid and surcharge is double for non-residents ($40.00).”

  • Chairman Marks told Mr. Usro that next year he would not support an exemption request despite the fact that American Legion had access to Newtown fields in the past. Mr. Marks stated that he would not vote in favor of the exemption next year.  He is also opposed to changing the regulation.  He also stated that Bethel is the home district of this team and they should provide field use, and question why no games are played in Redding.
  • The Commission then discussed the possibility of carving out field time for any organization for “pay to play” on a field. One issue discussed was that the individual team will not know the rules and regulation of our field use.

  • Strutt Your Mutt raised $5,233.37 with their one day event.  The total money raised so far is $18,547.47.  The land has been approved and the Dog Park Committee will put a sign on the property as the future site of the dog park.  The bone sign will be going up at the Citgo station during the carnival week at St. Rose.

  • Tabled.

  • The Victory Garden – Commissioner Brookes and Director Mangold have been working on the Parks and Recreation row.  The garden is a very positive place.  Residents and town employees seem to be enjoying the garden.  Director Mangold thanked Assistant Director Samuelson and his staff for all their support with this project.  John Moore did an excellent job in helping to manage the project.

  • Director Mangold reported that she and Chairman Marks attended a Conservation Commission meeting involving the Point of Rocks trail approval vote.  Once again the Commission did not vote in favor of the trail.  There reasons being that the property is to wet for a multi use trail.  They did not think it would be suitable for horses and bikes.  Most members would support a pedestrian only trail.  The Trail Committee is not in favor of a pedestrian only trail.  This issue is again on the Conservation Commissions agenda tonight. Director Mangold asked the other Commissioners to attend a meeting to request that the Conservation Commission revisit the use issue.  The Commission agreed to support the trail for multipurpose use and the Trail Committee on this issue.  Director Mangold will check tomorrow on the outcome of the meeting. Chairman Marks suggested that he and Director Mangold will go back before the Conservation Commission and suggest a possible restricted season for horse and bike use on the trail until after the spring. Commissioner Brookes would like to know how to access open space that the town already owns.  Possibly setting up a meeting with George Benson and Rob Sibley, the Conservation Commission and the Trail Committee to discuss existing open space.  Trail Committee member Paula Burton gave a presentation at a past meeting on how to build a trail.
15.  OTHER
  • None.


16.   OTHER

  • None
(m/s/c: Brookes/Yanni Jr.) “Motion to adjourn”.

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna Benson

JUNE 14, 2011

(m/s/c:  Yochum/Brookes)  “Motion to give FJ Urso/ American Legion Baseball a one year field use exemption for 2011 for 7 games.  The surcharge is to be paid and surcharge is double for non-residents ($40.00).”
Vote: Brookes/Yochum – yes, Yanni Jr. – no, Marks – abstained.

(m/s/c: Brookes/Yochum) “Motion to authorize the Parks and Recreation staff to issue no more than 5 senior weekday boat launch privileges for Eichler’s Cove Marina for the 2011 season.”

(m/s/c: Yanni Jr.,/Yochum) “Motion to adjourn”.

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna M. Benson